CaFE OnDemand
Catholic Faith Exploration
Youth: Deeper Why Jesus?
A fast-moving multi-media presentation designed for young adults. Through teaching and testimony it explains why Jesus came and how we can experience the effect of Him in our lives, especially through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. With input from Fr Stan Fortuna, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal, John Pridmore, an ex-gangster and now an international youth evangelist, young people from around the country, music, images and opportunities for prayer and discussion.
Section 1: Who is Jesus?
Section 2: Why do we need Jesus?
Section 3: Why did Jesus have to die?
(Total running time 29 minutes)
The 3 course sessions are below:​
The following material may be downloaded for use with the course:
* A5 Flyer
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and use the donate button at the top of the page.
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