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A Day of “Warmth and Peace”

By Pam Smith, East Anglia CDSC coordinator

Around 35 parishioners of Sacred Heart Church, St. Ives, Cambs. gathered with team members from the Charismatic Diocesan Service of Communion (CDSC) on 23rd November for a Day of Recollection on the theme of “Encountering God through His Angels”.

The Day of Recollection commenced with Mass, celebrated by Father Anthony Shryane, followed by Adoration, Reconciliation and prayer ministry before the first of two talks from Catholic Lay Evangelist Derek Williams.

Catholic lay evangelist Derek Williams taught from scripture and from St John of the Cross

Derek focused his teachings on two aspects, the help of the angels in both our interior life and in our evangelisation work, and the necessity for a deeper encounter with God in contemplation.  He taught from the scriptures and St John of the Cross.  Towards the end of the day, we had a practical experience of the teaching when Derek encouraged us all to go deeper in prayer in the peace and quietude of contemplation, where the sins and wounds of our souls will be revealed and cleansed by God, enabling us not only to receive God’s love but to also return love to God.


Attendees shared that during the period of quiet contemplation in the afternoon, they felt ‘a wonderful feeling of peace’, ‘lightness’, ‘warmth and peace’ and ‘heat’.

Maggie Edwards and Phil Walters leading uplifting praise and worship

CDSC members Maggie Edwards and Phil Walters brought the day to a close with uplifting praise and worship. The team gathered and prayed for the people of Sacred Heart parish. Parishioner Elizabeth Barker thanked Derek and the team for accepting the invitation to organise a Day of Recollection for the parish, and invited Derek to return to continue his teaching on contemplative prayer. 

For more information on our events, please visit or email CDSC Co-ordinator Pam Smith at


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