Patti Gallagher Mansfield, who played a pivotal role at the beginning of Catholic Charismatic Renewal, has sent a video message of congratulations to ADORE (Alton Day of Renewal) on their fiftieth anniversary year.
By Alastair Emblem
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement began in 1967 at a retreat in Pennsylvania when a group of students from nearby Duquesne University had a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit during a time of Eucharistic Adoration. At first, only Patti had the experience, but she knew she shouldn’t keep it to herself, so she went and told the rest of the group. Thanks to her selfless witness, there are now approximately 150 million charismatic Catholics in the world today.
In her message to ADORE, Patti said: "I want to congratulate you as you celebrate 50 years of being a prayer group..... I'm so proud of you for continuing to have your prayer group, even during Covid, and to expand your outreach beyond the confines of your geographical setting, and to embrace brothers and sisters from different parts of the world. God bless you. May the power of the Holy Spirit descend upon you as by a new Pentecost."
Watch the video on YouTube here:
ADoRE leader Alastair Emblem explained how the message came about. "When I was preparing the programme for our Golden Jubilee year, the thought came to me that I could contact various key people involved in Charismatic Renewal and let them know about our special year,"Alastair told CCR.
"We received a lovely message by email from Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, and then Patti sent us this wonderful video greeting. How amazing that a key figure in the history of CCR would take the time to congratulate us and pray for us."
Alton Day of Renewal was started in 1975, and for many years hosted monthly renewal meetings at Alton Convent in Hampshire. In 2020, the Covid lockdown prompted ADORE to move to Zoom. The 3-hour Saturday morning programme includes Mass, adoration, prophetic sharing, praise and worship, testimony and inspirational talk. The sessions conclude with prayer for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. There is then prayer ministry available by phone in the afternoon.
The ADORE theme in this Jubilee Year is "Pilgrims of Hope - pathway to the Holy Spirit". The full programme with dates and details of speakers can be seen at https://www.altonrenewal.com/2025