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In Advent, we cry out to God for wisdom, praying: "O Wisdom, who came from the mouth of the Most High, reaching from end to end and ordering all things mightily: Come and teach us the way of prudence." There is much wisdom to be found in the book of Proverbs, on which Yoofi Clarke is reflecting. In the third part of his series, Yoofi encourages us to have a deep trust in God, who can do all things for us.


The key verses to call out in chapter 3 for wisdom living are verses 5-6 which most of us know by heart: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on our own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and He shall direct your paths."

Trusting in the Lord with all your heart is not a superficial type of trust. It's about a deep conviction and a choice to trust in the Lord, who can accomplish all things in spite of the challenges and suffering that we may face. Don't think you know it all when faced with challenges. Always try to see things from God's perspective. In all your ways or "days" have direct intimate contact with him (acknowledge him) and ask him to direct your daily actions and then let go. As the saying goes, "let go and let God".

Two other verses that resonate are verses 3 and 12. Verse 3 encourages us to be merciful to others and to speak the truth always. The latter includes approaching God in truth acknowledging that even before you approach him, he knows all your needs including your need for mercy. Be truthful to him, don't hide how you feel from him. Bring all your "stuff" to him, be authentic and when you receive his mercy, go and in turn show mercy.

When we approach God in truth, we show our willingness to allow him to correct us. We are open to accept his correction. And why does he want to correct us when we are wrong? Because he loves us, for "whom the Lord loves, He corrects" (verse 12). 

The Old revealed in the New

Proverbs 3 has so many nuggets of wisdom. Verses 9-10 talks about honouring the Lord with our first fruits and verse 25-26 encourages us to put our confidence in the Lord and to not be afraid.  However, verse 28, which encourages us to give to others and not to say to our neighbour to go and come back tomorrow when you know you can give, reflects Christ's word in Mt 5:42, which commands us to give to the one who asks us and not to turn away from the person who wants to borrow from us. Let us live this commandment, for it is wise to be a giver.

 Yoofi Clarke is the CDSC coordinator for the Northampton Diocese


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