In the fifth part of his series on the book of Proverbs, Yoofi Clarke encourages us to fix our eyes on Jesus and to be faithful in all our relationships.
By Yoofi Clarke
Chapter 5
This reflection from Proverbs 5 is a stark warning against infidelity-all forms of infidelity against our spouses, including God who is our spouse. Infidelity is a sin that God detests because it goes against the institution of marriage, which is a foreshadow of our covenant relationship with God-first through Abraham, our father in faith, and then ultimately through our Lord Jesus Christ.
We need to be careful to ensure we are standing firm and listening to the wisdom in this chapter. Even if we are committed Catholics or Christians doesn’t mean the enemy will leave us alone in this area. In fact, verse 14 states: "I was on the verge of total ruin in the midst of the assembly and the congregation."This shows that the temptations in this area are far greater for the children of God.
Not only does infidelity damage a person's honour (vs 9); it also impacts finances (vs 10) and, in the end, can even impact one's health (vs 11). Verses 15-20 encourage us to learn be content in our marriages. The New Revised Standard Version (Catholic Edition) uses the words "cistern" and "well, which are interesting descriptions of what I'd like to suggest are the state of a marriage. A cistern is a stagnant body of water held in a container (usually rainwater) and a well, on the other hand, taps into a supply of fresh groundwater, such as a spring. Verse 15 says: "drink water from your own cistern" and "drink flowing water from your own well" i.e. be faithful whether you are in a stagnant/difficult marriage or a blossoming/loving marriage and pray and trust God to turn things around if it’s the former.
So, what is the path of wisdom that we need to follow here? Be content and faithful for every step we take is seen by God (vs 21) and He ponders our path i.e. considers our motives and weighs carefully everything we do (vs 22). Remember that godliness and contentment is great gain (see 1 Tim. 6:6).
The Old revealed in the New
King Solomon struggled with infidelity, so he probably wrote this proverb from lessons he learned from his own experience. In Proverbs 5, he asks us to pay attention to these challenging instructions. Jesus raised the bar even further in Mt. 5:28 and said anyone who looks at a woman with lust commits adultery in their hearts. Jesus addressed this issue because he knew most men face temptations in this area of lust (and I don't exempt myself here. Perhaps I shouldn't exempt women either-although maybe it’s less of an issue for them if Jesus didn't mention women?)
So, pray to the Holy Spirit for wisdom and the grace to resist temptation and guard your heart by keeping your eyes firmly on Jesus and hiding His words in your heart.
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